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International Freinet Children's Center

Pergola offers a villa and garden in a quiet and green avenue with ginkgo biloba trees to children aged 24 months to 6 years old. The childrens House offers a complete curriculum to the children. The children work at their own level and pace. Through respect for each individual, children feel good about them selves and develop a wonderful self-esteem. This strong start is the basis of motivation and joy of learning. Even though the school is in the capital of Brussels, the children can play in a green surrounding with ample playground facilities. The building is renovated wit ecological material and eco-paints.  It comprises one school class, a gym room and beautiful playfround in a quiet garden.

The educational approach emphasis the development of the whole personality. Children are aided in becoming independant self-thinking individuals. This independence grows to confidence, wihich in its turns grows to academic achievements and joy of learning. 


The school is based on the principles of Célestin Freinet, Alfie Kohn and Janusz Korczak.


Célestin Freinet


In het boek de Moderne School somt Freinet 28 technieken (in een welbepaalde volgorde - die 
hij raadzaam acht) welke een klas kan omvormen volgens werkopvoeding. Hij start met de afschaffing van de trede, de oprichting van een coöperatieve en de invoering van de vrije tekst. Vervolgens vermeldt hij "de schooltuin". Hij zag daarin een bron van diverse motivatie (observatie, rekenen). Hij vermeldt evenwel geen latere technieken (levend rekenen, uitwisselingsprojecten (-reizen) en uiteraard informatica.







+32 471 071 196

In The









July 12, 2023​









July 12, 2013​









July 12, 2003​

Child Safety



​Our Staff


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