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Inschrijvingen- inscriptions


Dit is een privé-school. It is a Private school.

  • We zijn een Nederlandstalige school waar ook Frans als tweede taal wordt aangeboden. Ecole maternelle bilingue. Schoolgeld: 200 euro per maand. NL+FR

  • Bilingual Freinet education Dutch/EN. Tarif:  400 euro each month.

  • Opvang, garderie : 2 euro par heure.


Het rekeningnummer is BE 001-6704018-36


Thank you for your gift. Meer info op Alle giften zijn welkom.


Er zijn nog 10 vrije plaatsen voor kinderen van 2 tot 5 1/2 jaar ! Il reste dix places disponibles.


In view of the growing demand for a Freinet school in the Brussels area, we are very pleased to annouce the opening of a new school for children aged 2-6 years. The Villa Solis House with the Pergola School is located near to the Atomium in a quiet and green avenue. 

The school follows a modern Freinet program. Language skills, mathematics, computer skills, cultural studies, music and poetry, arts and crafts and performings arts are all an inegral part of the curriculum. Furthermore, the school organise field trips each term to museums and local events. Children are encouraged to care for and respect the natural world around them. They learn modern skills neede for functionioning in society: leadership, team playing, taking iniatiative, positive communication, learning to choose out of viable options and making decisions.

Emphasis is on a safe environment in which independence and self-esteem can develop with providing appropriate activities so that their powerful brains can develop !


The Dutch class also offer a profound experience in both Dutch and French;

The bilingual EN/Dutch class can additionally take English. Young children absorb a second language automatically when the environment combines language learning with concrete experiences. Feeling safe, respected and challenged appropriately, determines optimal development.


All parents can help to make the school a richer place with their own talents. There is also a low teacher/student rate ! 





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